Our Cats & Their Stories
Rafiki Lion
Rafiki arrived in 2019 from a facility in California called Wildlife Waystation. Their Board of Directors had voted to surrender the facility’s California Department of Fish and Wildlife permit voluntarily and to close the facility. The facility had suffered through two wildfires and a flood. Overall, we rehomed 15 cats from Wildlife Waystation. Four pumas, six tigers, and five lions were brought to the rescue center over two trips coordinated by the foundation Tigers in America and a fellow rescue, In-Sync Exotics out of Wylie, TX. Rafiki is one of the tallest lionesses we have seen! Rafiki is very active and very vocal, despite being a bit older. Now that she’s at home in the main center, where the daily tours are, she is often the one starting all the lions roaring throughout the day! She seems to be quite the gossip and loves talking to the other lions that live around the rescue center.