We are so excited to start work on our new and improved veterinary hospital to improve our already amazing care that our animals receive!

Construction starts May 8th, 2023!

CENTER POINT, Indiana- An unsuspecting phone call came into the Exotic Feline Rescue Center in Center Point, Indiana. The Head Keeper, Rebecca Rizzo, took the call. The gentleman on the other end said he wanted to donate. “I was like, okay, um, what? We have a wish list on our website. We can always use bleach. The caller on the other end said, ‘We were thinking a little more. What kind of big things do you need?’ And I was like, we need a clinic, and the caller said, ‘Done.’ I was like, but I'm sorry. What?” Rizzo explained. The call was from the Huck Family from Indianapolis and New York State. The Huck family has shown consistent benevolence, but never to this level. 

Currently, when the cats need medical care, it is conducted in Joe Taft’s basement. Taft lives at the Exotic Feline Rescue Center. Taft founded the Center in 1991. His basement is equipped with all the medical equipment needed to help out the cats, but not an inch more. “If we have a sick cat that needs to stay inside for any time, our only choice is to put them in a wheel cage, which is not ideal. Long-term cat care requires a lot of maintenance and space,” Taft explained.

The Huck Family created a vision to provide the cats with more comfort and care. The Huck Family has contracted with Earl Rodgers and Associates out of West Terre Haute, Indiana, to bring the need and vision to reality. “The Exotic Feline Rescue Center is a global tourism destination in the Midwest, a short drive from our office. The caretakers and the cats deserve an atmosphere that allows them to help

The clinic will move down the road from the Exotic Feline Rescue Center's main entrance. The area is currently a field of grass. On May 5th, around 10:30 a.m., construction crews will break the soil and begin construction. The project is slated to be finished before the end of the year. The following is a list of the benefits the new clinic will bring:

  • A medical provider can stay overnight in a suite to help provide around-the-clock care

  • Multiple rooms to keep the sick cats separate

  • Easier to clean

  • Bigger Recovery rooms

  • Additional space for medical equipment

  • Visiting students will have space to learn in an observation room, giving the surgeons more space

  • Conference and Break room

  • A scale to weigh the big cats

  • Installation of a backup generator. Medical care can take place regardless of weather conditions

We cannot thank the Huck family enough for this amazing facility and we are so excited to see it come to life.

Follow Earl C Rodgers and Associates on Facebook and YouTube for updates on the construction.

This empty field was transformed into an amazing new medical facility for the 100+ animals who live at the efrc thanks to earl C rodgers and associates and the generosity of the huck family.

Now we need your help to stock it with new and updated life-saving equipment for our animals! Donate Here

First Surgery in the New Clinic

The difference our new clinic makes was made very evident with its very first surgery. An amputation of a tail tip, an injury on one of our elderly leopards, was made so much smoother with the space and set up of the new clinic. Leopard George had an injury to the tip of his tail and Dr. Froderman had to take off a small piece to ensure George was as comforable as he could be.

A Ribbon Cutting to Celebrate

All the work to get to this moment came to a head with a ribbon cutting and open houses to celebrate the amazing new facility the EFRC now has. Countless animal’s lives will be changed because of this facility, and we couldn’t wait to share the excitement with those who made it come to life.

Thank you to all of our donors from our long time allies to our newer faces. This facility was a dream that was brought to life with your support and of course, the immensely generous Huck Family

Enjoy these shots from our Open Houses and Ribbon Cutting, as well as a walkthrough of the facility below.