Our Cats & Their Stories


Ganjee Tiger

Ganjee arrived in 2019 from a facility in California called Wildlife Waystation. Their Board of Directors had voted to surrender the facility’s California Department of Fish and Wildlife permit voluntarily and to close the facility. The facility had suffered through two wildfires and a flood. Overall, we rehomed 15 cats from Wildlife Waystation. Four pumas, six tigers, and five lions were brought to the rescue center over two trips coordinated by the foundation Tigers in America and a fellow rescue, In-Sync Exotics out of Wylie, TX. Coming from flat, sandy Southern California to the grassy, dense Indiana fields was a big change for Ganjee. She was hesitant at first, but when she realized that the tall grass was nothing to fear she soon began exploring and playing around her whole enclosure. She really enjoys using the grass to stalk overnight guests and her keepers. Look for her and her sneaky neighbor, Kayla leopard, when you stay overnight.